We all sleep, at some point or another, and somewhere. Some of us in beds, others on couches, hammocks, air mattresses: there's no shame in the where-you-sleep game. But you can find out a little more about yourself about the position you twist, turn, and get perfectly cozy in when you do go to sleep.
So, before you drift off to dreamland, find out what your sleeping position says about you.
The Main Sleeping Positions and Their Meanings

There are only so many sleeping positions we can find ourselves twisted into, but also a dozen little ways in which we make them our own. As a side sleeping yearner, I also sprawl my legs.
In fact, you could say, you could read someone's personality based on how they sleep. Although much of it is subjective, there can be meaning to how we sleep, per places like the Sleep Foundation, Healthline, and even Reader's Digest.
Some of the most common sleep positions include:
- Back Sleeper
- Curled Up Side Sleeper
- Starfish Sleeper
- Log Sleeper
- Side Yearner Sleeper
- Stomach Sleeper
- Hidden Sleeper
- Toss & Turn Sleeper
- Weighted & Snuggle Sleeper
Keep reading to see what each position can mean when it comes to your personality!
The Back Sleeper: Soldier or Stargazer Position

The back sleeper (also known as the soldier or the stargazer pose), is a daunting "I could never sleep so exposed" for some, but a tried-and-true sleeping position for others. With these snoozers in a straight position, arms by their side, head on a pillow, they look as though they're ready to be called to action with not a moment to spare.
So what does that say about the sleeper who is always ready? They're someone who loves routine, relies on a solid framework of habits, and has always been the mom friend or the dad friend ready with advice or a bandage. All with a soft and quiet demeanor.
The Curled Up Side Sleeper: Fetal Position

The fetal or baby position is a popular and well-known sleeping position. Curled up on your side, arms and legs tucked in as though you're preparing to do a canon ball into your dreams. Much like a baby in a womb, between kicking sessions. While there's no set study on how many adults actually tuck themselves into bed like this, it's thought to be one of the most common.
Because of the comfort this position brings, a fetal position sleeper might be in search of comfort or safety, or they're someone who proactively knows what it is they need to feel cozy and secure in life. Whichever side of the coin they fall on, a curled up side sleeper is a person with a personality who seeks comfort; some outwardly and others quietly as soft, perceptive souls behind a stern facade.
The Sprawled-Out Sleeper: Starfish Position

Just like a starfish with your head, arms, and legs as the points, the starfish sprawler takes up maximum space when sleeping. Corner to corner, top to bottom, side to side, there remains no iota of area for another person, although a stubborn pet or equally headstrong sleeping partner might find a place to nestle in beside the starfisher.
Whether on their back or belly, those who do sleep this way tend to be on the unconventional and uncommon side when it comes to both life and their sleeping position. But, despite the little room for others, those who sleep taking up maximum space also take up maximum space in our lives, because they're always in our corner.
The Straight Side Sleeper: Log Position

This is the log sleeper — and no, these snoozers don't catch their z's as if they're bumps on a log — they are the log. Legs and arms are stick-straight and extend in a parallel line. Those who study sleep can't agree on whether or not this timber shape is common or rare. So whichever side of the argument you want to land on is up to you.
What some sleep foundations do seem to agree on is that those who sleep like this tend to be sociable and an outgoing social butterfly. They've never met a stranger, only a friend they don't know yet. Although log sleepers and their ability to just flow with things might take it a little too easy, they can sometimes be a little more gullible.
The Reaching Side Sleeper: Yearner Position

Rather than sleeping straight like a log, the yearner is a side sleeper with outstretched arms reaching, reaching, reaching for carefully calculated goals, dreams, and hopes. Like the log-side sleepers, the yearners value those who are close to them but tend to be apprehensive and cautious.
With one foot in and one foot out of wanting closeness but not wanting heartbreak, it's no wonder that the yearners can be complex, complicated individuals. Decisions may not come as easily to them as other sleepers.
The Stomach Sleeper: Free Faller Position

The stomach sleeper is in a position on their belly, arms stretched out, or curled under their pillow. Of course, their head is to the side, because even when sleeping you need that sweet, sweet air. And when you're free-falling through dreams, you need all the air you can get.
With such a playfully arranged position, even by the subconscious, it's no wonder that stomach sleepers tend to be welcoming with an open mind and heart. Their personality? They're the class clown but they know when to keep their quips to themselves because these snoozers tend to run a little more anxious than others. To counter this, those sleepers may want to be the ones to call the shots rather than follow the leader.
While most of our team tends to be side sleepers, a few tend to be free-fall sleepers too!
The Hidden Sleeper

The hidden, secret sleeper covers their faces and selves nearly completely. With just a small pocket for fresh air while they doze through the night, they're the chameleons of the world. They love their privacy and like to keep a wall between them and the world.
Hidden sleepers are big fans of personal space and know exactly what boundaries they need when it comes time to take care of themselves.
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The Toss-and-Turn Sleeper

The tossers and turners, the floppers, the wigglers. These active sleepers are restless souls and could benefit from making their bedroom a more tranquil space. Even in their dreams they're working, climbing, reaching, running for the next thing.
During the day, they're the ones who have minds that run at a mile a minute. Always busy, but never too busy to say yes to another line on their calendar; their dance card is always full.
The Snuggle and Weighted Sleeper

The snuggler and the weighted blanket lovers are just that: lovers of comfort and security. They know what they need to feel secure in this world, and they're a protective sort of person. With a heart that loves to take care of others and help out wherever they can, snuggle sleepers are warm and affectionate people. Even if they sometimes feel a little insecure themselves.
Body Language and Pillow Talk

Before you drift off to sleep tonight, take a moment to see how it is you get cozy and comfy with your pillows and blankets. And when you wake up, before you stretch out for the day and rub the sleep from your eyes, see what you sleeping position might be telling you. There are more secrets to sleep than the dreams we live each night.