If you're searching for the perfect boy names that start with Y, know that there are some incredible options available. Be sure you love your favorite names' meanings as well before selecting a name.
Boy Names That Start With Y
Even though picking a baby name can feel difficult at first, be sure to trust your gut, and if possible come up with a narrowed down list of your favorite names. If you can, sleep on your final name decision to ensure that it is the best name for you.
Baby Boy Names That Start With Y
Some baby boy names that begin with Y include:
- Yael: Mountain goat and the strength of God
- Yoel: God is the lord
- Yasir: Wealthy
- Yehuda: The praised one
- Yeshua: Salvation and God is my salvation
- Yariel: God's lion
- Yale: Fertile land
- Yousef: God will increase
- Yuri: One who works the land
- Yahel: To build
- Yassin: Wealthy and refers to the prophet Muhammed
- Yovani: Majestic
- Yannick: Little John and gracious God
- Yadriel: Light
- Yonah: Dove
- Yonis: God's gift
- Yaser: Smooth

Best Baby Names That Start With the Letter Y
While the best baby name is a matter of opinion, some names tend to be more popular. Some top options include:
- Yassine: Refers to the prophet Muhammad
- Yohann: God is gracious
- Yonas: Dove
- Yves: Yew wood
- Yacoub: Refers to an Islamic prophet
- Yeiden: Grateful
- Yakubu: One who usurps
- Yehoshua: To rescue
- Yoshito: Good luck
- Yoshiro: One who is happy
- Yakiv: One who usurps
- Yakim: One who will establish
- Yakaav: One who follows
- Yalcin: A large mountain
- Yosef: God will add
- Yonatan: God has given
Baby Boy Names Starting With Y With Meaning
Finding a name that carries a certain meaning can feel overwhelming. Take your time really searching for the few names that have a special meaning for you. Some options include:
- Yukio: Snow
- Yaqub: One who usurps
- Yash: Eminence and wealthy
- Yunis: Dove
- Yisrael: One who wrestles with God
- Yigal: God will redeem
- York: The yew settlement
- Yavin: Understanding
- Yaron: Joyful
- Yancy: One who is from the North
- Yahto: Blue
- Yahya: Gracious
- Yuma: Evening
- Yaameen: Heading right
- Yaamir: The moon
- Yamac: The mountainside

Boy Names That Start With Y in Spanish
There are some adorable Spanish boy names that begin with Y. Some options include:
- Ynez: Chaste
- Yamino: Son of the south and not me
- Yon: Dove
- Yuli: Young and youthful
- Yago: One who is protected by God
- Ysmael: God listens
Nicknames Starting With Y
If you're looking for a nickname or shorter name beginning with y, there are some great options available. Some choices include:
- Yahir: Good looking and attractive
- Yul: One who is born on Christmas
- Yair: God will enlighten
- Yaa: One who is born on Thursday
- Yafe: Good looking
- Yam: Ocean

Top Boy Names Beginning With Y
While there aren't a ton of Y boy name options, there are still some great choices available. Take your time going through baby names and enjoy the process of picking a name for your little one.