Choosing a name for an infant is a special, fun-filled process. Using a child name generator along with the parents' names can help spur ideas for a creative and meaningful name. In the past, a longstanding tradition was to name a son (typically the firstborn) after the father. In modern times, daughters are also often named after their mother as well. Parents are increasingly choosing to name a child, whether male or female, with a blended name that reflects one or both parents.
Generate a Blended Baby Name Quickly and Easily
This baby name generator that uses parents' names is one fun way to combine the mother's and father's names to make a blended baby name.
This unique name creator tries to combine as many letters from each parent's name to create a list of baby names. It also offers suggestions for similar names based on combined spelling. Enter the mother's and father's first names, choose boy or girl, and click "find" to generate a list of baby names. This name combiner for baby girls and boys relies on the social security database to calculate potential names that are compatible with, or make use of, the parents' names. It is designed to work as a name combination generator from two names.
More Baby Name Generators With Parents' Names
For parents looking to form a combination of parent names for their baby, a name generator with options for inputting parents' names might be the resource of choice. These tools can help parents-to-be by giving creative options for names they might not have thought of otherwise. Parents may want to use this tool to pick the first name or choose a middle name. While some generators have a program that mixes the letters or parts of parents' names for the generated name, other sites choose names randomly and may not reflect any element of the parents' actual names. Try a few favorites out, as each one offers a unique means of arriving at fresh and fun names. A few baby name generators that analyze parents' names include:

- Baby Name Scramble: This name generator combines two names to make one blended name. It asks for the names of both parents and combines the two names to make one for a baby. Based on the names you enter, it provides a list of female and male name results that were created from a database, and uses one letter from each of the parents' names. Parents can also use this baby name generator with grandparents. If you want to honor the older generation, input grandma and grandpa's names in the fields that ask for parents' names.
- Best Little Baby Generator With Parents' Names: This tool asks for the names of the mother and father, baby's gender, and desired origin (English, Greek, Hebrew, Indian, etc.). The result is a fairly large list of names that use at least one letter of each parent's name in the resulting name. Choosing a different origin yields an entirely different list of names, so there are plenty of name ideas to look through. If you are seeking an Indian baby girl name with the mother's and father's names interwoven, names of Hebrew descent honoring parents, or creative names of African descent, this generator is an excellent option.
- Name Generator: Add your last name, parents' names, and names of others you love and respect, and this generator churns out one-of-a-kind options for your bundle of joy. Some of the selections the generator produces are eyebrow raising, but others are really creative and interesting. The program gives parents-to-be a blurb on why a particular name was generated, based on the answers to questions needed to create the names.
Generating Your Own Baby Names Using Parents' Names
If you're not satisfied with the results yielded by online baby generators, you can create your own unique baby name lists utilizing parents' names. This isn't as difficult as it may seem, and sometimes all it takes is a little creativity. Sit down with a pen, paper, and a book of baby names or internet listing of names, and get ready to brainstorm. Strategies to generate names using one or both parents' names include:

- Browse through listings and highlight those that have one letter from each parent's name. (For example, if the parents' names are Jason and Amy, then the child's name might be James (male) or Jamie (female).
- Browse through names that begin with the same letter as one parent's name.
- Name the child after a version or variant of the name of the parent of the opposite sex. Examples are:
- Dad's name is Michael, parents name their daughter Michele or Michaela
- Mom's name is Julie, parents name their son Julian
- Dad's name is Ryan, parents name their daughter Riana
- Come up with an original name that combines parts of both parents' names in the child's name. Some examples might be:
- Dad's name is Dan, mom's name is Sherri, daughter's name is Sheridan.
- Dad's name is Joseph, Mom's name is Melanie, daughter is named Lanie Jo. Such an adorable baby girl name created by parents' names.
- Dad's name is Dan, mom's name is Kelly. The baby's name is Kellan, an adorable baby boy name found by mixing parents' names.
- Dad's name is Luke, mom's name is Grace. Lace is a baby name combination of the father and mother with Christian roots, as Luke and Grace have religious meanings.
- Combine parts of middle names with first names for a unique baby name reflecting one or both parents.
These exercises will allow you to come up with unique baby names for daughters and sons. Combining elements of the mother's and father's names gives parents more options than they might have initially thought.
Thinking Outside the Box for a Unique Baby Name
Giving babies blended names made through combining elements of the mother's and father's names is a popular baby name trend, but there are other ways to incorporate parents' names into deciding what to call your baby. Whether you choose to go with a blended name for your little one based on a name generator that uses parents' names, or a different name creation exercise, using these tools, interesting strategies, and thinking outside the box will surely inspire some wonderfully unique name options. If nothing else, having fun with these name-generating tools and ideas can help make the baby naming process more entertaining!