Although there are scores of languages in India, many names tend to be common since they originate from Sanskrit. The Indian experience shows that long names, however beautiful, soon get cropped into short nick names. In light of this, parents might want to choose from these lists of names that are just two to three syllables long.
Indian Baby Boy Names
Indian names for boys stem mainly from names of gods. The next preference is for names describing positive qualities or nature.
Abhay (Ah-ba-hai) - fearless
Aditya (Ah-dhe-thya) - sun
Ajay (Aa-jey) - invincible
Ajit (Aa-jee-th) - unconquerable
Akhilesh (Aa-key-lesh) - lord of the universe
Alok (Ah-lokh) - victory cry
Amal (A-mal) - bright
Amar (A-maar) - immortal
Ambar (Ahm-bhar) - sky
Ameya (Ah-me-yai) - boundless
Amish (Ah-meesh) - honest
Amit (Ah-meeth) - endless
Amol (Ah-mohl) - priceless
Anant (An-han-th) - infinite
Anantram (An-han-th-rahm) - eternal god
Anil (Ah-neil) - god of wind
Anish (Ah-neesh) - supreme
Anurag (A-noo-rahg) - devotion
Anshul (An-schul) - radiant
Arjun (Arr-joon) - peacock
Arnav (Arr-nev) - ocean
Ashwatthama (Aash-va-thaa-ma) - angry
Ashwini (Aash-we-nee) - a constellation
Atul (Ah-thul) - matchless
Avanish (Ava-neesh) - god of the earth
Baldev (Bhal-dev) - godlike power
Balaaditya (Baal-ah-dhe-thya) - young sun
Balachandra (Baala-chan-dhra) - young moon
Balamohan (Baala-mo-huhn) - attractive
Bansi (Bun-see) - flute
Bhanuprasad (Baan-u-pre-saad) - gift of sun
Bharadwaj (Bha-radh-vahj) - lucky bird
Bhavesh (Baa-waya-sh) - lord of the world
Bhupendra (Boo-pain-dhra) - king of kings
Bhudev (Boo-dev) - lord of the earth
Bhushan (Boo-sha-huhn) - ornament
Bindusar (Bin-doo-sur) - pearl
Buddhadev (Boo-dah-dev) - wise
Chaitanya (Chai-than-yai) - knowledge
Chaman (Cha-mahn) - garden
Chandan (Chan-dhahn) - sandalwood
Chapal (Cha-pel) - quick
Charan (Cha-ruhn) - feet
Charudutta (Chaa-roo-da-tha) - born of beauty
Chetan (Chia-thuhn) - life
Chinmay (Chin-mai) - full of knowledge
Chiranjeev (Chee-run-gev) - long-lived
Chudamani (Chu-dha-muhn-ee) - crest jewel
Darpak (Dhar-puk) - god of love
Deepak (Dee-puk) - lamp
Devdas (Dev-daas) - servant of god
Devraj (Dev- rahj) - king of gods
Dhananjay (Dha-nun-jai) - wealthy
Dharma (Dhaar-ma) - religious law
Dhiren (Dhee-run) - strongest
Dhruv (Dh-roo) - pole star
Duranjaya (Dhu-run-jai-a) - heroic son
Eknath (Eyk-naath) - poet
Gagan (Ga-guhn) - heaven
Gajendra (Ga-jane-dhra) - elephant king
Gaurang (Gau-rung) - fair in complexion
Gaurav (Gau-rhaav) - respect
Geet (Ge-th) - song
Gopan (Goo-pahn) - protection
Gunaratna (Gu-ne-rath-na) - jewel of virtue
Gulab (Gu-laab) - rose
Guru (Gu-roo) - teacher
Harsha (Haar-sha) - delight

Harshad (Haar-shaad) - pleasure
Harshul (Haar-shul) - deer
Hemadri (Hi-muh-dhri) - mountain of gold
Hemant (Hi-muhnth) - one of the seasons
Hemachandra (Hi-muh-chan-dhra) - golden moon
Hiranya (He-run-yah) - wealth
Ikshu (Eek-shoo) - sugarcane
Indeever (In-dhee-ver) - blue lotus
Indraneel (In-dhra-neil) - emerald
Ishwar (Ee-sh-var) - powerful
Jagadhish (Juhg-a-dheesh) - lord of the world
Janak (Jah-nak) - creator
Janardan (Ja-naar-dhan) - helper
Jasraj (Jus-rahj) - king of fame
Jaswant (Jus-van-th) - victorious
Jeevan (Ji-van) - life
Jishnu (Jish-noo) - triumphant
Kalidas (Kaa-li-daas) - poet
Kamadev (Kha-ma-dev) - god of love
Kamal (Kha-muhl) - lotus
Kanan (Kan-hahn) - forest
Kavi (Ka-we) - wise man
Kaushal (Kou-shal) - clever
Lakshman (Luck-sh-muhn)- prosperous
Madan (Ma-dh-aan) - cupid
Madhav (Maa-dhav) - like honey
Mahabala (Ma-ha-ba-lah) - great strength
Maheepati (Muh-ha-pa-thi) - king
Maitreya (Mahy-thri-a) - friend
Makarand (Makha-ruhnd) - bee
Mandhatri (Muhn-dah-thri) - prince
Manindra (Muhn-in-dhra) - diamond
Manprasad (Muhn-pre-saad) - calm
Manu (Muhn-noo) - founder father of humans
Mareechi (Mah-reech-e) - ray of light
Matsendra (Maht-san-dhra) - king of the fishes
Meghnad (Meg-nah-dah) - thunder
Mithil (Me-thil) - kingdom
Mohan (Mo-huhn) - charming
Monish (Mo-ne-esh) - lord of mind
Mukunda (Mu-kuhn-dha) - freedom giver
Nachiketa (Naa-chi-key-tha) - fire
Nanda (Nuhn-dha) - achiever
Narhari (Nar-hur-ee) - man-lion
Narottam (Nar-ho-tham) - best among men
Nartan (Nar-tahn) - dance
Narmad (Nar-mah-de) - bringing delight
Naveen (Na-ween) - new
Neelam (Nee-lahm) - emerald
Nihar (Ne-har) - mist
Nikhil (Nee-khil) - complete
Nilay (Ne-lahy) - heaven
Ninad (Ne-nahd) - gentle water sound
Nirmal (Neer-muhl) - pure
Nirav (Ne-rahv) - silent
Nishit (Nish-eeth) - midnight
Niteesh (Ne-teesh) - god of law
Ojas (Oo-jahs) - body strength
Oojam (Oo-juhm) - enthusiasm
Oorjit (Oorh-jeeth) - powerful
Paramartha (Purha-mar-tha) - highest truth
Paramjeet (Purham-jeet) - the highest success
Paritosh (Purhi-thosh) - contentment
Paresh (Purh-esh) - supreme spirit
Pavan (Pah-vahn) - wind
Prabhat (Prah-bhath) - dawn
Prabir (Prah-beer) - hero
Prabodh (Prah-boodh) - sound advice
Prajeet (Prah-je-th) - victorious
Pramath (Prah-mahth) - horse
Pramit (Prah-mehth) - consciousness
Pranay (Prah-nai) - romance
Pratap (Prah-thap) - majesty
Pratosh (Prah-thoosh) - extreme delight
Praveen (Prah-vehn) - expert
Pravar (Prah-vhar) - chief
Preetish (Pree-th-eesh) - god of love
Prithviraj (Pree-th-wee-rahj) - king of the earth
Purumitra (Poo-roo-mee-thra) - friend of city
Purujit (Puh-roo-je-th) - city conqueror
Raj (Ra-hj) - king

Rajesh (Ra-hj-esh) - god of kings
Ram (Rahm) - charming
Ravi (Ra-wee) - sun
Rishabh (Reh-sha-bah) - morality
Rupak (Roo-puk) - sign
Rupin (Roo-pin) - embodied beauty
Rujul (Roo-juhl) - honest
Sagar (Sah-gar) - ocean
Samir (Sah-meer) - wind
Samrat (Sah-mah-rath) - emperor
Sapan (Sah-pahn) - dream
Sarasvat (Sah-ras-vhat) - learned
Satish (Sah-theesh) - ruler of hundreds
Saurav (Sauh-rhav) - celestial
Shailendra (Shahy-leyn-dhra) - king of mountains
Shakunt (Shah-kuhn-th) - blue jay
Shashwat (Shah-sh-vath) - continuous
Shashank (Shah-shan-kh) - moon
Shardul (Shar-dhul) - tiger
Sheil (Shee-l) - mountain
Shiv (Shee-v) - lucky
Shyam (She-yahm) - dark blue
Sohan (So-hahn) - good-looking
Snehal (Sney-hal) - friendly
Subodh (Soo-boodh) - easily understood
Sudesha (Soo-deh-sha) - good country
Sudhir (Soo-di-heer) - brave
Sukumar (Soo-koo-mahr) - handsome
Sulalit (Soo-lah-lith) - graceful
Suvrata (Sooh-rah-tha) - strict in religious vows
Swagat (Swah-gaht) - welcome
Swaraj (Swah-rahj) - liberty
Tarun (Tah-ruhn) - young
Tapan (Tah-pahn) - summer
Tarang (Tah-ruhng) - wave
Tej (Teh-hj) - lustrous
Teerth (Teeh-rth) - holy place
Udit (Ooh-dhith) - shining
Umang (Ooh-muhng) - enthusiasm
Uttam (Ooh-tham) - best
Utpal (Ooh-th-phal) - water lily
Vaibhav (Vahy-bhaav) - richness
Vandan (Vahn-dhan) - salutation
Vasuman (Vah-su-muhn) - born of fire
Ved (Vehd) - sacred knowledge
Vikas (Wee-khas) - expanding
Vinay (Wee-nhay) - good manners
Vinod (Wee-nohd) - joyful
Vipul (Wee-puhl) - plenty
Vishal (Wee-shal) - huge
Vishva (Wee-sh-vah) - universe
Yash (Ya-sh) - glory
Yogesh (Yoo-geh-sh) - god of Yoga
Indian Baby Girl Names
Indian names for girls often come from goddesses. Just as with boys' names, others are about nature and positive qualities. In many cases the root of the name is the same; it is the suffix that differs. As examples, a lotus is Kamal for boys and Kamala for girls, or honey-like is Madhav for boys and Madhavi for girls.
Abhilasha (Ah-bee-la-sha) - desire
Abha (Uh-bhaa) - shine
Abhaya (Uh-ba-hai-a) - fearless
Aditi (Uh-dhe-thi) - mother of gods
Ahladita (Uh-laa-ditha) - happy
Ajala (Uh-jah-lah) - earth
Akhila (Uh-khi-lah) - complete
Akuti (Uhk-thi) - princess
Alka (Uhl-kha) - lock of curly hair
Alaknanda (Uhl-kha-nuhn-da) - flawless
Alpa (Uhl-pah) - little
Ambu (Uhm-bhoo) - water
Amshula (Uhm-shu-lah) - sunny
Amoda (Uhm-oo-dah) - happiness
Amrita (Uhm-rhi-tuh) - nectar
Anita (Uh-nee-tuh) - grace
Amulya (Uhm-uhl-ya) - priceless
Anchita (Uhn-chee-tha) - worshipped
Anjali (Uhn-jal-ee) - offering
Anupama (Uhn-oo-pah-ma) - unique
Anushri (Uhn-oo-sh-ree) - pretty
Anusha (Uhn-oo-sh-ah) - star
Apala (Uh-pah-la) - most beautiful
Archana (Arr-chahn-aa) - worship
Arati (Arr-ah-thi) - hymns
Aruna (Arr-oo-hna) - dawn
Asha (Aash-aa) - hope
Bakula (Bh-kh-oo-la) - flower
Bala (Baal-aa) - young girl
Bhagyalakshmi (Bha-gyah-luck-shmi) - goddess of wealth
Bhairavi (Bh-ay-ra-wee) - melody
Bhavya (Bhav-e-ah) - splendid
Bina (Bee-nah) - musical instrument
Chaitaly (Chai-thaa-lee) - name of an ancient city
Chandraki (Chan-dhraa-khi) - peacock
Charu (Chaa-roo) - attractive
Chhavvi (Cha-wee) - radiance
Chhaya (Cha-yah) - shadow
Chitragandha (Chee-thra-gahn-dha) - fragrance
Chinmayi (Cheen-mah-yee) - blissful
Damini (Dah-min-ee) - lightning
Darika (Dah-ree-kha) - maiden
Daya (Dah-yaa) - kindness
Deepika (Dee-pee-kha) - a little light
Dhanyata (Dha-nuh-ya-tha) - success
Dhriti (Dhe-rhe-thee) - courage
Divya (De-vh-ya) - heavenly
Dristi (Dhre-sh-tee) - sight
Ekta (Eyk-tha) - unity
Ela (E-la) - earth
Hamsa (Hham-sah) - swan
Hema (Hi-ma) - golden
Hita (Hee-tha) - lovable
Indukala (In-doo-ka-laa) - moonlight
Jagrati (Jag-rha-thi) - awakening
Jagadamba (Jagah-dham-bha) - mother of the world
Jaya (Jah-yaa) - victory
Jeevika (Jee-vik-aa) - water
Jyoti (Joh-thee) - flame
Kajal (Kha-jha-l) - eyeliner

Kala (Ka-laa) - art
Kalpana (Khal-pha-naa) - imagination
Kalyani (Khal-yaa-nee) - fortunate
Kamna (Kha-mah-naa) - desire
Kamala (Kha-muhl) - lotus
Kamini (Kah-mi-nee) - woman
Kanchana (Kahn-cha-naa) - gold
Kanan (Kan-huhn) - forest
Kasturi (Khas-too-ree) - musk
Kavita (Kah-vee-tha) - poem
Keertana (Kee-rh-thanaa) - hymn
Kesar (Keh-sur) - lion
Kiran (Key-run) - ray of light
Kirti (Key-rh-thi) - fame
Kokila (Kohk-ee-la) - nightingale
Komal (Kho-muhl) - tender
Kshama (Kh-sh-mah) - forgiveness
Lalana (Lah-la-nah) - girl
Lata (Lah-tha) - vine
Lali (Lah-lee) - darling girl
Lavali (Luh-va-lee) - clove
Lavanya (Luh-vahn-yah) - grace
Leela (Leeh-lah) - amusement
Lochana (Lokh-ahna) - eye
Lona (Loh-na) - pretty
Madhu (Maa-dh-oo) - honey
Mahima (Mah-hea-muh) - greatness
Mala (Mah-lah) - necklace
Malati (Mah-luh-thi) - Jasmine
Mallika (Mah-li-kha) - queen
Mamata (Mah-ma-tha) - affection
Manini (Mah-ni-nee) - lady
Manik (Mah-nik) - gem
Manju (Mahn-joo) - dew drops
Marala (Mah-rah-lah) - swan
Mausumi (Mou-sa-mee) - monsoon wind
Maya (Mah-yah) - illusion
Medha (Meh-da-ha) - intelligence
Meena (Mee-nuh) - precious stone
Menaka (Meh-nuh-kha) - celestial damsel
Mohini (Moh-hee-nee) - bewitching
Mugdha (Mugh-dah) - spellbound
Nayana (Nahy-nah) - eyes
Namrata (Nahm-rah-tha) - modesty
Nanda (Nuhn-dha) - daughter
Nandini (Nuhn-dhe-nee) - a holy cow
Neelam (Nee-lahm) - sapphire
Neha (Neh-ha) - rain
Nidhi (Nee-dhee) - treasure
Nidra (Neh-dhra) - sleep
Nirupa (Neh-ruh-pah) - a decree
Nitya (Neh-th-yah) - eternal
Nupura (Noo-puh-rah) - anklet
Padmini (Pahd-mi-nee) - lotus pond
Pallavi (Pah-lah-wee) - new leaves
Pari (Pah-ree) - fairy
Pavana (Pah-vah-nah) - sacred
Payal (Pa-yul) - foot ornament
Pooja (Poo-jah) - prayer
Poonam (Poo-nahm) - full moon
Pragya (Pruhg-yah) - prowess
Pratibha (Pruh-thee-bha) - talent
Pratima (Pruh-theem) - icon
Prema (Preh-mah) - love
Prerana (Prey-rah-na) - inspiration
Punthali (Poon-tha-lee) - doll
Purva (Puhr-vah) - east
Rajata (Rah-jatha) - silver
Rakhi (Rha-khee) - bond of brother-sister
Ramita (Rah-mitha) - pleasing
Ranjana (Rahn-jahna) - entertainment
Rati (Rah-thee) - wife of cupid
Roshan (Roh-shuhn) - bright
Ruchi (Ruh-chee) - taste
Rupa (Ruh-pah) - beauty
Rujuta (Ruh-joo-tha) - sincerity
Sachita (Suh-chee-tha) - consciousness

Sadhana (Suh-dha-na) - fulfillment
Saguna (Suh-guh-naa) - virtuous
Samiksha (Suh-meek-shaa) - analysis
Sandhya (Suhn-dhyaa) - evening
Sangita (Suhng-etha) - music
Sanjukta (Suhn-jook-tha) - union
Saphala (Suh-pha-laa) - successful
Sarala (Suh-rah-laa) - simple
Sarasvati (Suh-rahs-vathi) - goddess of learning
Saravati (Suh-rah-vathi) - river
Sarika (Suh-rhika) - parrot
Sashi (Suh-shee) - moon
Saumya (Sohm-yaa) - mild
Savarna (Suh-vahr-nah) - daughter of the ocean
Shaila (Shahy-lah) - mountain
Shanta (Shahn-tha) - peaceful
Sheetal (Shee-thal) - cool
Shobhna (Shoh-bahna) - ornamental
Shreya (Shree-yaa) - auspicious
Siddhi (See-dhee) - achievement
Smita (Smit-haa) - smile
Snigdha (Sneeg-dha) - smooth
Sonia (Soh-nyah) - golden
Subhaga (Soo-bha-gah) - fortunate
Sujata (Soo-jha-tha) - of good caste
Sushila (Soo-shee-lah) - good conduct
Tara (Tah-rah) - star
Teja (Teh-jaa) - radiant
Trishna (Three-sh-nah) - thirst
Tulasi (Too-las-ee) - sacred plant
Ulka (Ool-kha) - meteorite
Urmi (Oor-mee) - wave
Urja (Oor-ja) - energy
Ushma (Oo-sh-mah) - eat
Vandana (Vahn-dha-nah) - salute
Vanita (Vahn-ee-tha) - lady
Varuni (Vah-roo-nee) - a goddess
Vasanta (Vah-sahn-tha) - spring
Veena (Wee-nah) - musical instrument
Vidya (Wee-dhya) - wisdom
Vidhut (Wee-dh-oot) - electricity
Vijayalakshmi (Wee-jai-luck-shmee) - goddess of victory
Vinata (Wee-nee-tha) - humble
Yashila (Yah-shee-lah) - famous
Yogita (Yo-gee-tha) - one who can concentrate
Unisex Baby Names
Indian names have their share of unisex names just as any other culture and these are also popular. Examples from the lists above include :
- Chandra
- Sashi
- Kanan
- Madhu
- Dharma
- Nanda
- Neelam
- Roshan
What's In a Name?
When emigrants came over to America, many gave up their names along with their heritage for a fresh start in a brave new world. Today's parents can reclaim some of this lost lineage by using these traditional baby names.