If you are looking for the right words to include with a baptism gift, consider a baptism poem. Poems can help you find the words to express your happiness for the newly baptized child in a creative way.
Celebratory Poem
This type of poem focuses on celebrating the baptism, the admittance of the newly baptized child or adult into the Christian family and conveys congratulations.
By Kelly Roper
Our hearts fill with joy,
Our voices sing God's praise;
For today a special child
Joins Christ's family.
Our eyes lift to heaven,
Our arms embrace the child;
For we are all beloved,
As one family in God's blessings.
Baptism Tribute Poem
This type of poem often makes use of the rituals of the ceremony.
By Kelly Roper
Bless this baby, O Lord,
Who joins Your Family today.
With prayers and holy water,
The minister prays,
And the congregation calls you.
Hear our prayers on this special day,
to guard and guide this baby
May she walk in Christ from this day on.
Godparent Poem
Some poems deal specifically with the relationship between godparents and godchildren. For example, the poem may be a message about the duty of godparents or the honor a godparent feels for being asked to serve such a role. Some godparent poems are also written in the first person as a message from godparent to godchild.
By Kelly Roper
Godchild, you are so dear.
I am honored to call you, "Godchild."
I promise to show God's love,
Teach His blessings,
Understand a life in Christ,
And walk with you on life's journey.
Christian Duty Poem
Christian duty poems are similar to the baptism tribute. However, the poem is specifically about the importance of vows made to God and what it means to be a Christian. The duty poems also discuss what it means to live a Christ-centered life.
By Kelly Roper
Jesus Christ is your guide;
Listen and mind Him.
Honor Him in your life choices;
He is All.
Thank Him for your blessings;
They come from Him.
Respect His presence in all things;
Actions declare honor for Him.
Pray from the heart;
He will hear you.
Live a life in Christ;
Christ-centered life finds joy.
Even in times of sorrow,
God's love brings peace.
Baptism Water Poem
The water used in a Baptism is one of the most important symbols in the ceremony. It symbolizes a cleansing, purity, and divine life.
By Michele Meleen
Holy water washed your child;
purifying original sin.
This newborn child of God
became a symbol of enlightenment.
Your child now lives
in the Kingdom of Him.
Short Baptism Poems
Short Baptism poems work great as personalized messages in cards or on keepsake items because the word count is low, but the message is still grand. Types of simple, short poems include Haiku and acrostic Baptism poems.
A Funny Thing We Call Christening
By Michele Meleen
Like a precious fruit in Spring,
We choose a child to wash
In this ceremony called Christening.
A Catholic Celebration
By Michele Meleen
The first of seven
received and cleansed in our mass
sacrament for you
By Michele Meleen
Blessed be this child
Anointed today,
Pure and free of sin.
Thanks to God,
Innocence is preserved
Securing a place,
Membership in church and God's Kingdom
Add a Special Touch With a Poem
Whether you write an original baptism poem or you borrow a verse that holds special meaning, a poem can help you express your feelings about this momentous occasion. The length of the poem doesn't matter, and it doesn't have to rhyme. It just has to come from your heart.