Passionate, confident, and mysterious, a male Scorpio is one smooth guy. He's a man of extremes who loves and hates hard and doesn't believe in doing anything halfway. A male Scorpio has high regard for himself and believes in living life on his own terms.
Scorpio Male Personality Characteristics
Scorpio is the fixed water sign of the zodiac that's ruled by Pluto, the mythological lord of the underworld. Scorpio's water is like a deep, dark, and mysterious swamp that's calm and quiet on the surface but is teeming with life hidden in its depth.
Scorpio Positive Traits | Scorpio Challenging Traits |
Positive and Negative Traits of a Scorpio Man
Scorpio men are passionate and mysterious. If you had to choose one word to describe a male Scorpio, it would probably be intense. He is intense in everything he does, from his appetites to his sexual encounters to the grudges that he will probably carry for the rest of his life. He brings the same intensity to everything, and you'll find that every trait he has is a super intense version of it.
He's Confident
I'm married to a Scorpio (he actually has a Scorpio stellium, which makes him even more intense than your average intense Scorpio), so I'm pretty familiar with Scorpio male traits. And one of the first things that attracted me was his supreme confidence.
This type of confidence isn't unusual for Scorpio men. They walk this Earth with a level of confidence in themselves that can be a bit surprising to us mere mortals.
He's Emotional
Scorpio is a water sign, so it's no surprise that he's emotional. The thing is, a lot of his emotions are roiling under the surface, so you may not be aware of their pure intensity. Except for anger. That's the emotion people are most likely to notice, especially in less mature Scorpios. As he matures (and when he starts to trust you), however, he'll get better control of his anger and let a few of his emotions come to the surface in front of the right people.
He's a Mysterious Guy
Another word that describes Scorpio is "subterranean." Not in a bad way, really. It's just that he dwells in the shadows. He prefers to keep his own council until he trusts you. And then, little by little, he may be willing to open up to you. It takes effort to pull a Scorpio man out of the shadows, but it can be done.
He Likes to Go Deep
A Scorpio male abhors surface-level stuff. As a guy of passions, a Scorpio man likes to take a deep dive on the stuff that interests him, always probing below the surface. And if he's not interested in something? He'll just walk away, thank you very much. But the stuff he's into? He's REALLY into it, whether it's a hobby, a book, a job, a passion, or a love interest.
He's Magnetic
Scorpio men are magnetic. It's like all that passion bubbling below their surface draws others to them, particularly potential romantic interests. His mysterious air, confidence, and passion make him super attractive and interesting.
He's a Sexual Dynamo
We've mentioned passion, right? With Scorpio, it doesn't stop at being passionate about people and things. It also heads straight to the bedroom. His lovemaking is intense and exciting, and his sexual appetites are notorious.
He Can Carry a Grudge Like It's His Job
Scorpio is a fixed sign, and fixed signs can sometimes get stuck in emotion. And for Scorpio, who often has anger and jealousy as his most powerful emotions, that means that he's never met a grudge he wanted to put down.
My Scorpio hubby was released from a job (unfairly, he says) back in the 90s. He's still mad about it today — like just as mad as the day it happened. When he feels betrayed, you'll feel a Scorpio's sting, and it will probably take an act of God for him to ever give up the grudge.
He Can Be Overindulgent
A Scorpio male has a tendency to wallow in his pain and overindulge in most of life's joys. A Scorpio man who has learned to control his extreme passions has a less melodramatic and more satisfying life.
Understanding a Scorpio Man's Character
Scorpio is hardly a negative sign. In fact, many of Scorpio's popular negatives easily translate into positive traits. Consider the following:
- He's jealous because he loves wholeheartedly.
- He's intense because he fixates on his true love.
- He's competitive because he strives for excellence.
- He's brooding because he is deeply aware.
- He's unforgiving because he's cautious.
Scorpio Men and Relationships
Male Scorpios are private and cautious guys who don't jump quickly into relationships. They need a deep, emotional, and magnetic connection to fall in love, and they're slow to trust. But once they've found this connection and met their person, they are the most loyal, faithful, and protective partners around. In fact, they're so loyal and protective that they can even become possessive.
So before you give your heart and soul to a Scorpio man or make promises you can't keep, make sure you're serious about him. Love is intense and serious business to Scorpio. If you're just out for fun and games, pass over this one because this is a man who will test you, and his wrath will be just as passionate as his lovemaking.
Famous Scorpio Men

True to their Scorpio sun, these famous men are engulfed by a mystical aura and possess tremendous magnetic energy and powerful imaginations.
- Leonardo DiCaprio, the renowned American actor and producer was born on November 11, 1974.
- Ryan Gosling, who smolders in pretty much everything he does (even when he's playing Barbie's goofy sidekick, Ken) was born on November 12, 1980.
- Sean Combs, American record producer and rapper, was born on November 4, 1969.
- Matthew McConaughey, Academy and Golden Globe Award-winning actor, was also born on November 4, 1969.
- Gordon Ramsay, British celebrity chef and restaurateur, was born on November 8, 1966.
- Keith Urban, Grammy Award-winning country music singer and guitarist, was born on October 26, 1967.
- Colin Rand Kaepernick, former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, was born on November 3, 1987.
- Mark Ruffalo, an American actor, director, and environmental activist, was born on November 22, 1967.
- Charles Manson, the dark, charismatic leader of the Manson Family cult, was born on November 12, 1934
Looking for a gift for a Scorpio man? Check out our Scorpio gift guide.
Reading Your Scorpio Man
Male Scorpios don't jump quickly into relationships. However, once they've selected a cherished partner, they tend to be fearsomely faithful. In fact, Scorpio is loyal even in the wake of opposing advice and evidence. You'll most likely have to admit to wronging him before he'll believe it. This kind of trust should never be abused. Once a Scorpio man is betrayed, he won't be foolish enough to trust you again. So, if you're in love with a Scorpio man, be honest, faithful, and treat his heart with care, and in return, he'll love and idolize you forever.