Weekly Love Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs: July 21-27

Is love in your stars this week? Here's what you need to know.

Updated July 20, 2024

Here's your weekly love horoscope for every Sun sign for the week of July 21-27, 2024. In matters of love, see what works, what doesn't, and just who might be headed your way.

Not sure which horoscope is yours? Discover your Sun sign by birthdate.



Aries, your romantic overtures don’t always need to be high-octane. Instead of listening to a fellow daredevil’s siren call, cast your sights on the more sedate stars of life. The perfect person might be overwhelmed by your energy at first. Bring your boil to a simmer and see if you can catch them hook, line, and sinker.



There might be relationship troubles on the horizon, Taurus. If you’ve been with someone for a while, you may have noticed an uptick in tension between the two of you. They could desire to jump headfirst into the changes that come with growing older, and your steadfast resistance to change might be the thing holding your relationship back. Consider how your outlook on the future may be the biggest obstacle to your relationship growing together rather than apart.



DMs are there for a reason, Gemini! You’re always making friends and working the room. You probably have more friends or followers on your socials than anyone you know. Chances are, you’ve already met that special someone, and they’re just waiting for the perfect moment to get your attention. So, open up your DMs and see what surprises await you.



Cancer, we might be nearing the end of your season but there’s still a little crab magic left in the air. Harness that water sign sparkle by hosting a cozy night at home. Say your goodbyes to the Cancer season by surrounding yourself with all the people you love in the place you love the most. You’ve got so much love to give, and what better way to go out until next year than by pouring it over your besties?



Leo, make sure you clean your ears because there could be some communication mishaps in the near future. You’re great at talking and sometimes at listening. As you flit about your social calendar, make sure you’re lending an ear to those around you. Your relationships might not be in jeopardy, but your friends' just might be. Let them have their chance in the spotlight and do your best to give them your full attention.



Virgo, you have a tendency to nitpick those around you. Although you might not realize it in the moment, that absent-minded criticism can cut deep. Be extra thoughtful in your conversations with your partner this week to see what your gut instinct is. Are you being overly critical without thinking? Remember that your partner wants to feel like you’re their biggest fan and not their biggest critic.



Libra, take a step back from the enchanting allure of a storybook romance. It’s easy to fall in love with the fantasy of romance and not the day-to-day adjustments it requires. Think about your past relationships and your favorite dates or romantic movies and books. What kind of relationships are you drawn to, and are they healthy and functional? Finding the perfect person starts with understanding what you should be looking for.



Trust is paramount in any romantic relationship, Scorpio. Your trigger finger is quicker than most when it comes to being suspicious. Be careful about letting others gaslight you into thinking that you’re off the mark. If your internal red flag is waving, chances are it’s picking up on a subtle relationship killer. This is the week to trust your instincts.



Sagittarius, you’re usually the one to spring surprises on the people you love. But the universe has a dirty sense of humor this week. Something juicy is just around the corner. While you could keep your eyes and ears open, being too vigilant may take the thrill out of the surprise. So, buckle up and brace yourself — love is on the move.  



Capricorn, not every date you plan has to be grandiose or saccharine. You’re not the most effusive partner, and you shouldn’t try to be someone you’re not for the sake of finding “the one.” Embrace your quiet energy and plan a thoughtful get-together. Perhaps pick out surprise books for each other at a bookstore or enjoy a sunrise cocktail on the front porch with your latest love.



Aquarius, this is your call to action to make the first move. You may not be as impulsive as the fire signs, but you’re not against taking a chance on something you want to work out. If you’ve had your eye on someone for a while, now is the perfect moment to woo them with your insightful and caring personality.



Sappy love is in the air, Pisces. You’re such a romantic that it’s hard for you not to get swept up in a new love. While some people might have burned you in the past, you shouldn’t let them hang over your new relationship like a dark cloud. Dive into the refreshing waters of a new relationship, and you might come away rejuvenated and reborn.

More About Your Sun Sign


Your Sun sign is the part of you that others recognize as the essence of who you are. It provides a template for personality traits, disposition, how you experience life, who you connect with, and more. Explore more about your Sun sign to discover what makes you tick or find out how loyal your zodiac sign is

LoveToKnow Horoscopes are for entertainment purposes only.

Weekly Love Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs: July 21-27