170 Heavenly Baby Names That Mean Star

Sprinkle your baby with stardust with one of these celestial star-themed names.

Updated September 18, 2024
Cheerful son playing with father at park

If the thought of gazing into the face of your baby reminds you of how it feels to gaze into a star-filled night sky, then a celestial star name might be perfect for your little one. Show that your baby shines brightly in your life with names that mean star or starlight. 

Names That Mean Star for Girls

If you love the sound of magical girl names, a celestial name could be perfect for your twinkly little baby. 

  • Astra (Greek)
  • Astraea (Latinized Greek)
  • Bituin (Tagalong)
  • Csilla (Hungarian)
  • Dzvezda (Macedonian)
  • Estelle (French)
  • Esther (Hebrew)
  • Estrella (Spanish)
  • Hoku (Hawaiian)
  • Hoshi (Japanese)
  • Nyota (Swahili)
  • Seren (Welsh)
  • Setareh (Persian)
  • Sitara (Urdu)
  • Star (English)
  • Starla (English) 
  • Stella/Stela (Latin)
  • Steora (Old English)
  • Steren (Cornish)
  • Tahti (Finnish)
  • Tara (Sanskrit)
  • Xingxing (Chinese)
  • Yildiz (Turkish)

Girl Names With Star in the Meaning

Mix it up by using a name that has "star" in its definition. These names that have "star" in the meaning can help your little girl shine bright.

Cute newborn baby girl
  • Danica (Slavic) - means "morning star"
  • Elanor (Literary) - means "star sun"
  • Hokulani (Hawaiian) - means "heavenly star"
  • Hoshiko (Japanese)- means "star child"
  • Maristela (Spanish) - means "star of the sea"
  • Nebula (Latin) - means "little cloud;" term for the cloud of dust and gas between stars
  • Nova (Latin) - means "new;" term for a star that suddenly increases in brightness
  •  Odtsetseg (Mongolian) - means "star flower"
  • Zornitsa (Bulgarian) - means "morning star"

Celestial Names of Stars for Girls

These are the names of actual stars, and they make beautiful girl names. Show your baby girl she's the light your night sky with one of them. 

  • Alcyone (Greek) - means "Kingfisher;" in Constellation Taurus
  • Ashlesha (Hindu) - means "a star;" in Constellation Hydra
  • Bellatrix (Latin) - means "female warrior;" in Constellation Orion
  • Capella (Latin) - means "she-goat;" in Constellation Auriga
  • Electra (Greek) - means "incandescent;" in Constellation Taurus
  • Moriah (Hebrew) - means "land of Yahweh;" in Constellation Delphinus
  • Natasha (Russian) - means "born on Christmas Day"; in Constellation Vela
  • Proxima (Hindu) - means "a star nearest the sun;" in Constellation Centaurus
  • Rana (Latin) - means "frog;" in Constellation Eridanus
  • Saiph (Arabic) - means "the sword of the giant;" in Constellation Orion
  • Spica (Latin) - means "ear of grain;" in Constellation Virgo
  • Vega (Arabic) - means "stooping eagle;" in Constellation Lyra
  • Zanaiah (Arabic) - means "flower;" in Constellation Virgo

Cute Constellation Names for Girls

We love the classic sound of these constellation names. With one of these names, you'll show that your little girl is brighter in your life than a single star. 

  • Andromeda (Greek) - means "to be mindful of man"
  • Antlia (Greek) - means "pump"
  • Ara (Arabic) - means "adorning"
  • Aquila (Latin) - means "eagle"
  • Carina (Italian) - means "beloved"
  • Cassiopeia (Greek) - means "cassia juice"
  • Delphinus (Greek) - means "the dolphin"
  • Hydra (Greek) - means "water serpent"
  • Lacerta (Greek) - means "lizard"
  • Lyra (Latin) - means "harp"
  • Sagitta (Latin) - means "the arrow"
  • Ursa (Latin) - means "bear"
  • Vela (Latin) - means "ship's sail"

Illuminated Star-Themed Girl Names

Of course, the star we know the best on Earth is the sun, and all stars give off light in the darkness. So we think these illuminated names could be a perfect star-themed name for your little girl. 

  • Arevik (Armenian)- means "like the sun"
  • Haruko (Japanese) - means "child of light"
  • Marisol (Spanish) - means "Mary of the sun"
  • Mzia (Georgian) - means "sun"
  • Narangerel (Mongolian) - means "sunlight"
  • Nou (Hmong) - means "sun"
  • Saule (Lithuanian) - means "sun"
  • Savitri (Sanskrit)- means "relating to the sun"
  • Soleil (French) - means "sun"
  • Solfrid (Old Norse) - means "beloved sun"
  • Suncana (Croatian) - means "sunny"
  • Tesni (Welsh) - means "warmth from the sun"
  • Tien (Vietnamese) - means "a celestial being"
  • Tsiuri (Georgian) - means "heavenly"
  • Yoko - means "sun child"

Cosmic Names That Mean Star for Boys

Show him he's your little star with any of these celestial boy names that mean "star" or have "star" in the meaning.

  • Astrophel (Literary) - means "star lover"
  • Byeong-Ho (Korean) - means "luminous sky"
  • Elrond (Literary) - means "star dome"
  • Haedus (Latin) - means "young goat"
  • Hamal (Arabic) - means "head of the ram"
  • Hoshi (Japanese) - means "star"
  • Itri (Tamazight) - means "star"
  • Izar (Basque) - means "star"
  • Jiemba (Wiradjuri) - means "star"
  • Maru (Korean) - means "sky"
  • Najm (Arabic) - means "star"
  • Shihab (Arabic) - means "shooting star"
  • Stelo (Esperanto) - means "star"
  • Sterling (English) - means "little star"
  • Ylli (Albanian) - means "star"
  • Whetu (Māori) - means "star"

Names of Stars to Use as Boy Names

Show your little guy he's a star that lights up your world by naming him after a star that sparkles in the night sky.

Baby boy with star decorations
  • Acamar (Arabic) - means "the end of the river;" in Constellation Eridanus
  • Acrux (None) - means "bright cross;" in Constellation Crux
  • Adhil (Arabic) - means "the tail;" in Constellation Andromeda
  • Ain (Arabic) - means "the eye;" in Constellation Taurus
  • Albiero (Latin) - means "time traveler;" in Constellation Cygnus
  • Alcor (Latin) - means "the faint one;" in Constellation Ursa Major
  • Aiolios (Greek) - means "changeable;" in Constellation Carina
  • Alpherg (Arabic) - means "mouth of fish;" in Constellation Pisces
  • Atlas (Greek) - means "to endure;" in Constellation Taurus
  • Leonis (German) - means "lion strength;" in Constellation Leo
  • Mintaka (Arabic) - means "belt;" in Constellation Orion
  • Mirach (Latin) - means "brightest star;" in Constellation Andromeda
  • Miram (Arabic) - means "desire;" in Constellation Perseus
  • Nihal (Arabic) - means "rainy;" in Constellation Lepus
  • Ran (German) - means "wolf shield;" in Constellation Eridanus
  • Regulus (Latin) - means "little king/prince;" in Constellation Leo
  • Rigil (Arabic) - means "foot;" in Constellation Centaurus
  • Sirius (Greek) - means "burning;" in Constellation Canis Major

Constellation Names for Boys

Name your little guy after one of the constellations that paint pictures in the night sky.

  • Caelum (Latin) - means "heaven"
  • Cetus (Greek) - means "whale"
  • Corvus (Latin) - means "raven"
  • Crux (Latin) - means "cross"
  • Cygnus (Latin) - means "swan"
  • Draco (Greek) - means "dragon"
  • Eridanus (Arabic) - means "course of a river"
  • Hercules (Greek) - means "hero"
  • Leo (Latin) - means "lion"
  • Lepus (Latin) - means "hare"
  • Lynx (Latin) - means "wild cat"
  • Octans (Latin) - means "navigational instrument"
  • Orion (Greek) - means "boundary"
  • Perseus (Greek) - means "destroyer"
  • Phoenix (Greek) - means "crimson"
  • Pictor (Latin) - means "painter"

Boy Names That Mean Sun

We can't forget our brightest star, the sun. These boy names all have meanings associated with the sun.

Baby flying in space
  • Antinanco (Mapuche) - means "eagle of the sun"
  • Arthit (Thai) - means "sun"
  • Haul (Welsh) - means "sun"
  • Heliodoro (Spanish) - means "sun gift"
  • Helios (Greek) - means "sun"
  • Ochieng (Luo) - means "born when the sun shines"
  • Ra (Egyptian) - means "sun"
  • Ravi (Sanskrit) - means "sun"
  • Samson (Hebrew) - means "sun"
  • Utu (Sumerian) - means "sun"

Related: Celestial Names for Baby Boys Inspired by Outer Space

Words for Star in Different Languages to Use As Unisex Names

Start your search for gender-neutral baby names that mean "star" with a look at how to say "star" in different languages.

  • Aster (Greek)
  • Citlali (Nahuatl)
  • Dara (Sanskrit)
  • Etoile (French)
  • Najima (Arabic)
  • Nthanda (Tumbuka)
  • Nyota (Swahili)
  • Realta (Irish)

Gender-Neutral Names of Stars

Name your baby after your favorite star or a star in a beloved constellation with one of these gender-neutral names of stars. 

Baby lying down a star
  • Ankaa (Arabic) - means "one who grows;" in Constellation Phoenix
  • Antares (Greek) - means "opposing Ares;" in Constellation Scorpius
  • Azha (Arabic) - means "nest;" in Constellation Eridanus
  • Bibha (Bengali) - means "bright beam of light;" in Constellation Sextans
  • Castor (Greek) - means "to shine;" in Constellation Gemini
  • Deneb (Arabic) - means "tail;" in Constellation Cygnus
  • Diwo (Bribri) - means "the sun;" in Constellation Scorpius
  • Felis (Latin) - means "cat;" in Constellation Hydra
  • Galaxy (American) - means "group of stars;"
  • Imai (Japanese) - means "new place of residence;" in Constellation Crux
  • Polaris (Latin) - means "pole;" in Constellation Ursa Minor
Quick Tip

One cute idea is to find a star's name in the constellation associated with your baby's zodiac sign and name them after that!

Unisex Names Inspired by Constellations

The names of constellations often come from mythology. Give your baby an out-of-this-world name with these constellation names.

Cute newborn sleeping baby
  • Aquarius (Latin) - means "water bearer"
  • Ara (Arabic) - means "ornament"
  • Aries (Latin) - means "ram"
  • Auriga (Latin) - means "the charioteer"
  • Canis (Latin) - means "dog"
  • Gemini (Latin) - means "twins"
  • Indus (Arabic) - means "river"
  • Pyxis (Latin) - means "mariner's compass"

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Sun

Your baby is the brightest star in your sky, just like the sun is the brightest in ours. Give your baby one of these sunny names.

  • Arawan (Thai) - means "sunshine"
  • Gunay (Turkish)- means "sun and moon"
  • Haru (Japanese) - means "sun"
  • Hinata (Japanese) - means "sunny place"
  • Mehr (Persian) - means "sun"
  • Shams (Arabic) - means "sun"
  • Sol (Catalan) - means "sun"
  • Sunan (Esperanto) - means "sun"
  • Yang (Chines) - means "sun"
  • Zon (Dutch) - means "sun"

Naming Your Little Star

If you think your baby hung the stars, then a name based on the brightest objects in the sky could just be perfect for them. We love these star-kissed names for your little space adventurer. 

170 Heavenly Baby Names That Mean Star