Classic 1920s popular girl names that are worth rediscovering. It's easy to search names when placed in alphabetical order. You may prefer to skip the alphabet and go straight to popular flapper names for a fun look at historic names.
Classic 1920s Girl Names A through E
From A to E, classic girl names from the 1920s are still popular today. If you're looking for a name for a baby or a fictional character, A is a good starting point. Find a unique name that resonates with you.
- Ada
- Agnes
- Alberta
- Alice
- Alma
- Anita
- Ann
- Anna
- Anne
- Annie
- Antoinette
- Arlene
- Audrey
- Barbara
- Barbara
- Beatrice
- Bernice
- Bertha
- Beulah
- Beverly
- Blanche
- Carol
- Caroline
- Carolyn
- Catherine
- Charlotte
- Christine
- Claire
- Clara
- Constance
- Cora
- Della
- Delores
- Donna
- Dora
- Doris
- Dorothy
- Edith
- Edna
- Eileen
- Elaine
- Eleanor
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Ellen
- Eloise
- Elsie
- Emily
- Emma
- Erma
- Estelle
- Esther
- Eula
- Eunice
- Eva
- Evelyn

1920s Girl Names F through J
Some 1920s girl names may sound antiquated, while others may be contemporary ones you know and hear every day. If you like a name that sounds old-fashioned, but prefer a modern first name, consider using the older name for a unique middle name.
- Faye
- Flora
- Florence
- Frances
- Frances
- Geneva
- Genevieve
- Georgia
- Gertrude
- Gladis
- Gladys
- Gloria
- Grace
- Harriet
- Hattie
- Hazel
- Helen
- Henrietta
- Hilda
- Ida
- Imogene
- Inez
- Irene
- Irma
- Jacqueline
- Jane
- Janice
- Janet
- Jean
- Jeannette
- Joan
- Johnnie
- Josephine
- Joyce
- Juanita
- Julia
- June

1920s Girl Names K through N
Girl names from the 20s cover a wider range of names than most people believe. In fact, some of the names are much older than the 1920s.
- Katherine
- Kathleen
- Kathryn
- Laura
- Laverne (See more girls names beginning with L)
- Lena
- Leona
- Lila
- Lillian
- Lillie
- Lois
- Lola
- Loretta
- Lorraine
- Louise
- Lucille
- Lucy
- Mabel
- Madeline
- Maria
- Marcella
- Margaret
- Margie
- Marguerite
- Marian
- Marilyn
- Marion
- Marjorie
- Martha
- Mary
- Mattie
- Maxine
- Mildred
- Miriam
- Muriel
- Myrtle
- Nancy
- Nellie
- Norma

1920s Girl Names O through Z
When choosing a name from the 1920s for a girl, consider the nuances. Some names feel as though they embody a personality, while others seem to allow the person to own the name and make it theirs through their own personality.
- Olga
- Patricia
- Pauline
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Phyllis
- Rachel
- Rebecca
- Regina
- Rita
- Roberta
- Rosa
- Rosalie
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Sally
- Sara
- Sarah
- Shirley
- Sylvia
- Thelma
- Theresa
- Velma
- Vera
- Veran
- Victoria
- Virginia
- Vivian
- Wanda
- Wilma
- Winifred

Popular Flapper Names
During the 1920s, flappers were unconventional young women. They were rebellious against the societal mores and regulations, such as prohibition. They defied the norms by donning their short-hemmed dresses and dancing to the Charleston and ragtime music. They often shortened their names, spelled them differently or donned a nickname. Their names were badges of honor reflected their spontaneity, love of life and defiance of restrictions. They were the modern rebels of their time.
- Aggie
- Avis
- Bette
- Bettie
- Betty
- Betts
- Betsy
- Bessie
- Billie
- Bonnie
- Carrie
- Daisy
- Della
- Dottie
- Ella
- Evie
- Fannie
- Fern
- Ginny
- Jennie
- Josie
- Luci
- Lulu
- Lula
- Mae
- Maggie
- Mamie
- Mavis
- Minnie
- Mollie
- Nina
- Nora
- Olive
- Opal
- Rosie
- Sadie
- Sallie
- Sally
- Sophie
- Stella
- Susie
- Viola
- Violet
- Viv
- Winnie
- Willie
Classic 1920s Era Girl Names that Are Worth Rediscovering
The names for girls during the 1920s were often traditional. However, many of these women liberated themselves by choosing a different name and following their ideals instead of the ones they were told to embrace.