Easter Holiday Feng Shui for Peace & Renewal

Published November 25, 2020
Easter Place Setting

Easter holiday feng shui ideas can help your family event be a success. Easter eggs are lucky feng shui symbols and when you follow feng shui tips for Easter holiday celebrations, you can enjoy a fun and relaxing family gathering.

Easter Holiday Feng Shui for Abundant Family Dining

A large portion of a family holiday celebration, like Easter, is focused on the family meal. Sharing good food prepared with love is the epitome of the feng shui energy of abundance. There are several feng shui tips that you can use to ensure you make the most out of your family Easter meal.

Feng Shui Dining Table Tips for Easter

You can create the ideal Easter table to encourage good digestion and attract abundance. Any family meal, especially a holiday meal, can be energized with chi energy.

Don't Cramp Your Dinner Guests

You want to be sure that your table is large enough to accommodate everyone comfortably. You certainly don't want to serve a meal where everyone is cramped for space. If you can't provide a table that is large enough, then you should break up your seating. You can set up smaller round tables or add a round or oval table in another room. As long as you have enough seating for everyone, your feng shui family Easter meal will be auspicious.

Best Shape for Easter Dining Table

The shape of your dining table is always important in feng shui. The ideal shapes are round and oval. These shapes provide curved edges so there are no poison arrows created by sharp corners. Sharp edged tables interrupt the free flow of chi energy. However, the continuous curve of round and oval tables allows the chi energy to move freely around the table.

Easter Place setting decorated with tulips and Easter eggs

Solution for Rectangle and Square Tables

If you don't have an oval or round dining table, it doesn't mean your Easter dinner is doomed. Of the two shapes, the rectangle is better since its length implies extended abundance that grows as it follows the chi down its length. A square table confines and restricts the amount of abundance the chi energy can bestow to you and your family.

  • Put two square tables together to increase the length and cover with a rectangle tablecloth.
  • Soften sharp edges of a table with a tablecloth that drapes over the edges.
  • Add a table runner to emphasize the length of your rectangle table to encourage the growth of abundance.

Choosing an Easter Feng Shui Colored Tablecloth

You can choose a tablecloth that is the color assigned to the sector where your dining room is located. You don't have to shy away from using a specific colored tablecloth for your Easter dinner. For example, if your dining room occupies the south sector of your home, you can certainly use a red tablecloth if you wish. In feng shui, red is an auspicious color, but not one that is commonly used for Easter celebrations.

Tablecloth Colors for Easter

You may decide a different value of red works better with your spring time decorations, such as a medium or even pale pink color. In feng shui, color cannot activate elements, but it is a symbol of the element and in this case the element is fire. While color can have a powerful psychological effect, the main issue you should worry about with a red tablecloth at Easter other than possible decorating problems is how it stimulates people to rush through a meal. A rushed meal isn't the kind of meal you want to share with your family, so a more tranquil color will encourage your family to linger over dessert.

Easter Table Centerpiece

You can use fresh flowers for your Easter table centerpiece. Make sure all flowers are fresh and there aren't any dead or drooping ones in your bouquet for the ideal feng shui Easter table centerpiece. You can use a spray of colorful spring flowers, tulips, or Easter lilies.

Are Easter Eggs Good Feng Shui?

Easter eggs are good feng shui symbols for a few of reasons. The oval shape has no harsh edges and chi energy can easily move around the egg.

Egg Yolk Auspicious Feng Shui Shape

The center yolk of the egg is round. The circle is the symbol for the metal element. In the productive cycle, the metal element produces the water element. The water element governs the north sector that in turn rules your career. Having Easter eggs, especially in the west, northwest, or north sector, is very auspicious.

Easter Eggs for Good Feng Shui

Easter eggs are very auspicious in feng shui since they are symbolic of fertility, birth, new life, and of course, abundance! You can use a bowl or basket of colorful Easter eggs as your table centerpiece.

  • You may decide to dye the eggs, so they represent the sector color of your dining room location, such as various blue colors for the north sector.
  • You can add a golden egg or two to your basket to attract gold (wealth) into your life.
  • If you are using faux eggs, place gold ingots inside each one to encourage a surprise windfall for your family.

Double Your Easter Abundance

You want to be sure you have a mirror in your dining room that reflects your table. The mirror should never cut off the heads of your guests to ensure your abundance isn't cut off. The ideal is to have your tabletop reflected in the mirror so it can double your abundance.

Feng Shui Decorating for Easter

There are many other things you can do to have a feng shui Easter. You can add plants and fresh flowers in the foyer/entrance area, living room, and guest bathroom.

Cake next to a the silhouette of Easter bunnies in a living room

Front Door Feng Shui for Easter

You should always have an attractive front door entrance into your home. If painted, the door should be free of chipped or peeling paint. If stained, the door should have a nice finish and not appear worn and weathered.

A few important feng shui rules include:

  • Remove all clutter from the front door area, inside and out.
  • Windows and glass in front doors should be cleaned on the inside and outside.
  • All shrubbery should be neatly trimmed.
  • Outside lights should be turned on (replace any burned out bulbs).
  • Sidewalk should be swept and free of all debris.
  • Interior of your home should be thoroughly cleaned and free of clutter.

Easter Holiday Feng Shui Tips

You can use Easter holiday feng shui tips to make sure your home is clutter free, clean, and sparkling for your family Easter celebration. When the chi energy can flow freely about your home, you can be certain it will be a peaceful and an abundant family event.

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Easter Holiday Feng Shui for Peace & Renewal