Old English baby names are the perfect choice for parents hoping to snag a unique name for their baby. The closer you get to the original spelling, the more uncommon the baby name will be. Keep in mind this also means more room for misspellings and mispronunciations.
Gender Neutral Old English Names for Baby
Old English was a language used by the Anglo-Saxon people up until about the year 1100. Its inspiration is largely Germanic vocabulary words, and the names were almost always descriptive in some way. While there weren't many gender neutral names back then, there were a few gems for you to choose.
Popular Old English Unisex Names
These names have Old English origins, but they remain popular today. Although they are considered unisex, most pair with a specific gender in modern times.
- Ainsley (AYNZ-lee): solitary clearing; in top 400 baby names in U.S. 2018
- Haydyn: hay valley; spelled Hayden in top 300 names for both boys and girls in U.S. 2018, boys only in U.K.
- Harley: hare clearing; in top 100 names for boys in U.K. and top 200 for girls, more popular as a girl name in U.S.
- Harlow: rock army hill; in top 400 girls names for both U.K. and U.S.
- Kendall: valley on the river Kent; more popular for girls than boys in U.S.
- Kim: bold royal; equally popular as a boy or girl name in the U.S. in the 1990s
- Lee/Leigh: clearing; more popular as a boy name in the U.K. and U.S.
- Peyton/Payton: Pæga's town; more popular as a girl name in both U.S. and U.K., but in top 400 boy names in U.S.
- Presley: priest clearing; more popular as a girl name in modern U.S.
- Riley: rye clearing; more popular as a boy name in U.K. and as a girl name in U.S.
- Whitney: white island; more popular as a girl name in the U.K. and U.S.
Uncommon Old English Unisex Names
Some Anglo-Saxon names have been used as both male and female names at different points in history. Names like these aren't heard much anymore, but you could bring them back as a trendy baby name by using them for your little one.
- Ash: type of tree
- Aston: east town
- Averill: boar battle
- Beverly: beaver stream; Old English city name
- Eddie: rich guard
- Merle: pleasant hill
- Monet: home
- Stone: small rock
Gender Neutral Medieval and Anglo-Saxon Names
The early part of medieval times is often referred to as the Old English period and included Anglo-Saxon words turned into names. If you're looking for a truly old-fashioned baby name for your girl or boy, medieval English names are unique options.
- Aldus (AWL-dəs): old
- Puck: unknown meaning; English legend mischievous spirit
- Stace (STAYS): fruitful
- Wilmot: desire protection

Old English Baby Girl Names
Because they are derived from Germanic words, Old English baby girl names tend to have harder, stronger sounds. Names like these are the perfect choice for your tough little girl.
Beautiful Medieval English Names for Girls
Medieval Old English names for girls tend to be short and powerful. These baby girl names won't be too hard to spell or pronounce, so they might be easier to use than other Old English names.
- Aldith: old battle
- Aldreda: noble strength
- Amice: friend
- Diot: of Zeus from Nysa
- Dye: of Zeus from Nysa
- Eda: wealth war
- Etheldred: noble strength
- Ibb: my God is an oath; variant of Isabel
- Iseut: unknown meaning; variant of Isolde
- Jocosa: playful lord; variant of Joyce
- Kinborough: royal fortress
- Malle: meaning unknown; variant of Mary
- Matti: the lady; variant of Martha
- Meggy: pearl; variant of Margaret
- Molle: meaning unknown; variant of Mary
- Rohese: fame type; variant of Rose
- Royse: fame type; variant of Rose
Unique Anglo-Saxon Names for Girls
True Anglo-Saxon names use letters that aren't seen in other languages today. For this reason, you might want to consider an alternate spelling for these feminine names that others can read and say.
- Æbbe (Aebbe - AHB-beh): meaning unknown
- Ælfflæd (Aelfflaed - AHLF-flahd): elf beauty
- Ælfgifu (Aelfgifu - AHLF-yih-voo): elf gift
- Ælfswiþ (Aelfswip - AHLF-swihth): elf strong
- Ælfthryth (Aelfthryth - AHLF-threrth): elf strength
- Æðelflæd (Aedelflaed - AHTH-el-flahd): noble beauty
- Eadburg (AD-byoorg): wealth fortress
- Eadgyð (Eadgyd - Ad-yooth): wealth war
- Eoforhild (AYOHF-ohr -heeld): boar battle
- Friðuswiþ (Friduswip - FREETH-sweeth): peace strong
- Frige: beloved; Anglo-Saxon name for Norse goddess Frigg
- Godgifu: gift of God
- Leofflæd (Leofflaed - LAY-ohf-flahd): beloved beauty
- Leofgyð (Leofgyd - LAY-ofh-yeeth): beloved battle
- Mildburg: gentle fortress
- Mildgyð (Mildgyd - MEELD-yeeth): gentle battle
- Mildþryð (Mildpryd - MEELD-threeth): gentle strength
- Sunngifu (SOON-nyeef-oo): sun gift
- Wassa: unknown meaning
- Wilburg: desire fortress

Old English Baby Boy Names
Boy names from Old English origins are much easier to come by and often serve as the base for girl names. Expect to find masculine-sounding names that feature double-consonants.
Cool and Short Medieval Names for Boys
While the idea of medieval names might conjure thoughts of long names, there were plenty of short boy names during this period. If you love nicknames as first names, these options are for you.
- Addy: man; variant of Adam
- Amis: friend
- Bate: son of Talmai; variant of Bartholomew
- Col: victory of the people; short for Nicholas
- Daw: beloved; variant of David
- Elis: my God is Yahweh
- Hamo: home
- Hann: Yahweh is gracious
- Hob: bright fame; short for Robert
- Jan: Yahweh is gracious
- Judd: flow down
- Law: from Laurentum; variant of Laurence
- Mack: great; short for Magnus
- Noll: elf army; variant of Oliver
- Ode: wealth
- Pate: nobleman; variant of Patrick
- Roul: fame wolf
- Wyot: battle brave
Long and Powerful Medieval Names for Boys
Longer medieval names for boys leave you room to create a cool and unique nickname. Look for names that look and sound similar to your favorite strong baby boy names for something uncommon, yet familiar.
- Dicun: brave power; variant of Dick
- Elric: elf rule or noble rule
- Firmin: firm
- Hamon: home
- Hankin: Yahweh is gracious
- Herry: home ruler; variant of Henry
- Hopkin: bright fame
- Hudde: heart/spirit; variant of Hugh
- Jackin: Yahweh is gracious
- Jankin: Yahweh is gracious
- Larkin: from Laurentum; variant of Laurence
- Morris: dark-skinned; variant of Maurice
- Nicol: victory of the people; variant of Nicholas
- Randel: rim of a shield
- Tenney: of Zeus from Nysa
- Wilkin: desire protection; variant of William
- Wilky: desire protection; variant of William
- Wybert: battle bright
- Wymond: battle protector

Anglo-Saxon Mythology Names for Boys
Like many mythologies, Anglo-Saxon mythology features more male characters than female. Some of these names are Old English versions of Norse names while others have Germanic roots.
- Beowulf (BAY-ə-wuwlf): bee wolf/bear or battle; mythological hero who slays a dragon
- Hama (HAH-mah): home; gothic warrior from Anglo-Saxon tales
- Punor (POO-noar): thunder; Anglo-Saxon version of Norse god Thor
- Tiw (TEEW): shine/sky; Anglo-Saxon version of Norse god Tyr
- Weland: skilled; unrivaled craftsman in Germanic mythology
- Wodan: inspiration/rage; Anglo-Saxon name for Norse god Odin
Unique Short Anglo-Saxon Names for Boys
Short Anglo-Saxon names for boys sound cool and original.
- Æsc (Aesc - AHSH): ash tree
- Bada: battle
- Cenric: bold power
- Cola: charcoal
- Dudda: round
- Eadwig: wealth war
- Godric: power of God
- Heard: brave
- Osgar: god spear
- Uhtric: pre-dawn rule
Uncommon Long Anglo-Saxon Names for Boys
Longer Anglo-Saxon names for boys sound like royal baby boy names and were used for many kings.
- Ælfheah (Aelfheah - AHLF-chayach): high elf
- Ælfnoð (Aelfnod - AHLF-nohd): elf boldness
- Ælfsige (Aelfsige - AHLF-seey-ay): elf victory
- Ælfstan (Aelfstan - AHLF-stahn): elf stone
- Ælfweard (Aelfweard - AHLF-way-ahrd): elf guardian
- Ælfwig (Aelfwig - AHLF-weeg): elf war
- Ælfwine (AHLF-weeneh): elf friend
- Æðelfrið (Aedelfrid - AHTH-ehl-vreeth): noble peace
- Æðelræd (Aedelraed - AHTH-ehl-rahd): noble counsel
- Beorhtric: bright rule
- Ceadda: unknown meaning; variant of Chad
- Cynebald: bold royal
- Cynefrið (Cynefrid - KOON-eh-vreed): royal peace
- Cynesige: royal victory
- Deorwine: dear friend
- Dunstan: dark stone
- Eadwald: fortune ruler/power
- Ealdwine: old friend
- Ealhhere: temple army
- Eardwulf: land wolf
- Godwine: friend of God
- Hereward: army guard
- Hroðgar (Hrodgar - CHROHTH-gahr): famous spear; variant of Roger
- Leofric: beloved power
- Sæwine (Saewine - SAH-ween): sea friend
- Sigeberht: bright victory
- Stithulf: hard/stiff wolf
- Wealdmær (Wealdmaer - WAY-ahld-mahr): famous ruler
- Wulfnoð (Wulfnod - WOOLF-nohth): bold wolf
- Wynnstan: joy stone
Babies With British Flair
Selecting a name for your baby with Old English origins can showcase your family's heritage or your love of all things British. Pick a name from your favorite show set in Anglo-Saxon times or look up names and meanings you like to find the Old English variants of those names.