Spring is the season of new beginnings, making spring names a spectacular choice for your sweet baby-to-be! Parents can find name inspiration from flowers and trees as well as the sunshine and rain that help them grow. They can also select names that mean spring or new life.
No matter which you choose, these sensational spring baby names are a bright and beautiful choice for your little one!
Glorious Gender-Neutral Spring Names
Spring is a time of growth and renewal. With this changing world, many parents-to-be are looking for names that transcend stereotypes and stand on their own, like a growing sapling. If you're looking for a name that is as strong as an oak and defines their son or daughter solely with its meaning and not the gender tied to it, these unisex spring names can be a bold and beautiful choice!
- Beckett - Beehive or little brook (British)
- Eden - Place of pleasure (Hebrew)
- Equinox - Equal night (Latin)
- Esen - The wind (Turkish)
- Haru - Spring (Japanese)
- Hunter - One who hunts (English)
- Jay - Jaybird (English)
- Kalāhikiola - Life-giving sun (Hawaiian)
- Lark - Songbird (American)
- Lihau - Gentle rain (Hawaiian)
- Mirri - The sun (Australian)
- Oakley - Oak tree meadow (British)
- Rain - Abundant blessings from above (English)
- Ren - Water lily (Japanese)
- River - Flowing body of water (English)
- Robin - Bright, shining, or famous (English)
- Shui - Water (Japanese)
- Solstice - When the sun stands still (Latin and English)
- Storm - A strong, tumultuous weather condition (English)
- Vesa - Sapling or sprout (Finnish)
- Wrenn - Small bird (English)
Spectacular Spring Girl Names
If you're expecting a little girl, consider giving her a name as bright and fresh as the season!
Sweet Spring-Inspired Girl Names for Your Beautiful Blossom

These names that mean spring are a stunning choice for your little sweetheart.
- Adsila - Blossom (Native American)
- Amaryllis - Fresh or sparkling (Greek)
- Abril - To bloom (Spanish)
- April - To open (Latin)
- Aviva - Springtime or fresh (Hebrew)
- Avri - Spring-like or fresh (Hebrew)
- Avril - To open (French)
- Bahaar - Spring (Persian)
- Bryony - To sprout or climbing plant (Latin or Greek)
- Caroun - Springtime (Armenian)
- Cerelia - Relating to springtime (Latin)
- Chloe - Blooming or fertility (Greek)
- Deborah - Bee (Hebrew)
- Fatiha - Opening or beginning (Arabic)
- Florence - Blossoming (Latin)
- Gen - Spring (Japanese)
- Kia - Season's beginning (African)
- May - Wished for child and month name (English and Hebrew)
- Midori - Green (Japanese)
- Moegi - To bud or sprout (Japanese)
- Neoma - New moon (Greek)
- Odeletta - Little Spring (French)
- Primavera - Spring (Italian)
- Renata - Reborn (Italian)
- Thallo - Bringer of blossoms (Greek)
- Terra - Earth (Latin)
- Verde - Green (Spanish)
- Verna - Springtime or spring green (Latin)
- Zara - Blooming flower or radiance (Arabic and Hebrew)
The most popular spring name for baby girls in America is Chloe. It sits at number 18 on the Social Security Administration's Most Popular Baby Name list.
Breezy Spring Girl Names for Your Flower Child

Springtime wouldn't be complete without the fantastic display of colors that come with the season's blossoming flowers! These spring baby names for girls are a beautiful choice for parents looking for a name rooted in nature.
- Aspen - Shaking tree or aspen tree (British)
- Clover - Meadow flower (British)
- Dahlia - Dahl's flower or valley flower (Scandinavian)
- Eila - Oak tree or shining light (Hebrew)
- Fern - Fern plant (English)
- Fleur - Flower (French)
- Flora - Flower (Latin)
- Hazel - Hazel tree (English)
- Holly - Holly tree (English)
- Hyacinth - Blue larkspur flower (Greek)
- Iris - Rainbow (Greek)
- Ivy - Vine or climbing evergreen plant (British)
- Laurel - Laurel tree (English or Latin)
- Lennox - Elm grove (Scottish or Gaelic)
- Lily - Lily flower or pure (Latin)
- Magnolia - Magnol's flower (Latin)
- Maple - One who lives near Maple trees (British)
- Marigold - Golden flower (English)
- Primrose - First rose (British)
- Olivia - Olive tree (Latin)
- Olive - Olive tree (English)
- Sylvie - From the forest (Latin)
- Taimi - Young tree or sapling (Finnish)
- Violet - Purple (Latin)
- Willow - Willow tree (English)
- Yvette - Yew (French)
- Zinnia - Zinn's flower (Latin)
Plant names are very popular for girls in the United States. Some of the top contenders include Violet, Hazel, Lily, Willow, Ivy, and Iris.
Related: Fantastic Flower Names for Girls
Sunny Spring Girl Names to Brighten Any Day

Your daughter will be a ray of sunshine in your life, but there will be moments that feel like a hail storm. Spring names related to weather can be an electrifying choice for the little girl who is about to storm into your world.
- Aeliana - Sun (Latin)
- Aella - Whirlwind (Greek)
- Amaya - Night rain (Japanese)
- Azure - Sky blue (French)
- Eliana - Daughter of the sun (Greek)
- Gale - Wind or joy (English)
- Helia - Daughter of the sun (Greek)
- Idalia - Behold the sun (Greek)
- Itzel - Rainbow lady (Spanish)
- Kalinda - Sun (Hindi)
- Kira - Sun or sunlight (Persian or Japanese)
- Laine - Sunray (English)
- Levina - Lightning bolt (German and Latin)
- Lihau - Gentle rain (Hawaiian)
- Makani - The wind (Hawaiian)
- Marisol - I am the sun (Spanish)
- Mehri - Sunny and loveable (Arabic)
- Misty - Mist or haze (English)
- Nebula - Mist (Latin)
- Nephele - Cloud (Greek)
- Neolani - Mist of heaven (Hawaiian)
- Rashmi - Ray of light (Sanskrit)
- Sefarina - Gentle wind (Spanish and Greek)
- Sema - Sky (Turkish)
- Sky - Cloud (Old Norse)
- Sunniva - Sun gift (Scandinavian)
Nebula is also a fabulous name if you're a Marvel fan. It is a fierce member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Inspiring Spring Names for Boys
There is plenty of spring inspiration when it comes to boys' names too! Browse these refreshing ideas.
Strong Spring Boy Names for Your Little Sapling

One of the biggest moments of spring is the process of the trees regaining their gorgeous green leaves. This makes trees another terrific source of inspiration for spring boy names!
- Alder - Alder tree (German and English)
- Arden - Great forest (British)
- Ash - Ash tree and happy (Hebrew)
- Briar - Thorny bush of wild roses (British)
- Bruce - Thick brush or willow lands (British)
- Cullen - Holly tree or handsome (Irish)
- Cypress - Cypress tree (Greek)
- Elon - Oak tree (Hebrew)
- Elwood - Elder tree forest (British)
- Fiorello - Little flower (Italian)
- Forrest - Of the woods or forest (English)
- Gwydion - Born of trees (Welsh)
- Hollis - Dweller by the Holly trees (English)
- Ivo - Yew wood (German)
- Liko - Leaf bud (Hawaiian)
- Nash - By the ash tree (English)
- Oliver - Olive tree (Latin)
- Oren - Pine or ash tree (Hebrew)
- Perry - Dweller by the pear tree (British)
- Sylvan - Of the forest (Latin)
Oliver is an extremely popular baby name, landing at number three on the Social Security Administration's list of top names. It has held this spot for the past four years.
Brilliant Spring Boy Names for Your Little Bud

Can you think of any better inspiration for the name of the little guy you're expecting soon than a season that parallels the process of pregnancy? These spring baby names for boys have meanings that relate to the main themes of this beautiful season — growth, birth, and new beginnings.
- Aileni - Reborn or regenerate (Welsh)
- Ankur - New life or sprout (Sanskrit)
- Aviv - Springtime or freshness (Hebrew)
- Florian - Flourishing or blossoming (Latin)
- Fresco - Fresh (Italian)
- Gardener - Keeper of the garden (British)
- Haruki - Spring child (Japanese)
- Jarek - Spring (Slavic)
- Neo - New (Greek)
- Pascal - Easter child (French, English, and Latin)
- Pascoe - Easter (Cornish)
- Pharez - To blossom or breakthrough (Hebrew)
- Madhava - Of the springtime (Hindu)
- Rhodes - Where roses grow (British)
- Sproti - Sprout (Old Norse)
- Thales - To blossom (Brazilian)
- Vasant - Spring (Sanskrit)
- Verdi - Green (Italian)
- Vernon - Spring or Alder tree (Latin or French)
- Wells - Spring (British)
Stormy Spring Baby Names for Your Wild Man

Springtime wouldn't be complete without a few storms! The sunshine, wind, rain, thunder, and lightning are what make this such an exciting season, so spring names that circle around the weather can be another excellent choice.
- Aarush - First ray of sun (Indian)
- Aelius - Sunshine (Romanian)
- Anil - Wind or air (Sanskrit)
- Barack - Lightning (Arabic)
- Baran - Rain (Persian)
- Bayu - Wind (Indonesian)
- Bronte - Thunder (Gaelic and Greek)
- Cielo - Sky (Spanish)
- Cyrus - Sun (Persian)
- Dag - Daylight (Scandinavian)
- Diell - Sun (Albanian)
- Elio - Sun (Italian)
- Dalfon - Raindrop (Hebrew)
- Guthrie - Windy spot (Gaelic)
- Keanu - Cool breeze (Hawaiian)
- Rai - Thunder and lightning (Japanese)
- Raiden - Thunder and lightning (Japanese)
- Samson - Sun child (Hebrew)
- Sol - Sun (Spanish)
- Sulien - Born from the sun (Welsh)
- Thor - Thunder (Old Norse)
- Torben - Thunder bear (Old Norse)
- Zyran - Storm (Kurdish)
Another magnificent Marvel name is Thor! He is the god of Thunder and has starred in nine of the comic-inspired movies.
Baby Names That Mean Spring Can Be a Beautiful Choice
No matter if you're expecting a spring baby or just have an affinity for the season, spring baby names are an inspiring choice with bright and beautiful meanings.