Important Sha Chi Causes and Cures

Updated May 7, 2019
Metal Chinese coins remedy sha chi

Sha chi is the negative side of chi energy. This negative energy is very detrimental to the life force and growth of all matter. It's often called the killing chi. There are many feng shui remedies you can use to weaken and in some instances correct this form of negative energy.

Understanding Sha Chi and Its Causes

Sha chi is the villain of feng shui because it can literally stop the nourishing flow of chi energy to the various elements that reside in your home, including you. Negative chi disrupts and destroys this natural cycle of energy. While yin (sha chi) and yang (sheng chi) are part of the energy known as chi, they must remain balanced. Too much of either disrupts the element cycle and can create an upset in your home and your life. Negative chi can be natural or manmade. It is such a powerful energy that it can suck up the positive energy, like the air is sucked out of a vacuum.

Natural Causes

There are some places in the world that are harbingers of sha chi. Negative energy has somehow been trapped either on the surface or below the surface of the location. This type of energy is very difficult to negate or overcome unless you can effectively identify what is causing it. Sometimes, it could be as simple as radiation trapped inside rocks like granite or an underground natural cavern that creates a pocket of stagnant chi. A natural or manmade event that resulted in a catastrophic outcome where people suffered or even died can create negative chi. Sometimes, the only remedy for such an area is to relocate.

Manmade Causes

Many manmade things cause sha chi. Clutter is the biggest culprit. Clutter blocks the flow of chi throughout your home and when chi can't flow naturally, it becomes stagnant. It's like damning up a river and preventing it from flowing down a mountainside. The solution is to get rid of the clutter. That means being merciless when it comes to getting rid of things that you don't use and don't need. Don't just box them up to store in the attic or garage. While they may be out of sight or contained in what appears to be a compact and organized fashion, the problem is still there, you've only changed the shape and location.

Poison Arrows Inside Your Home Cause Sha Chi

A classic example of sha chi is what's known as a poison arrow. A great visual of a poison arrow is a wall that juts out into a room and creates a harsh sharp corner that is directly across from where you always sit. A poison arrow would also be created if the corner of large piece of furniture in your office is directly across from where you sit. The sharp edge and angle creates what's known a poison arrow because it is focusing the energy into a point that is beamed straight at you.

Hanging faceted crystal

The remedy for interior poison arrows is to suspend a multi-faceted crystal a foot or so in front of the object. If the sha chi is created by a column in the room, then place a large plant in front of it. The goal is to first enhance your space, but also to disrupt the poison arrow.

Outdoors Poison Arrows Require Cures

When a poison arrow is found outside, use a bagua mirror for a cure. For example, your neighbor's home might be positioned so that the house corner creates a poison arrow in your direction. This can create discord between you and your neighbors or the negative energy emanating from their home can simply create disharmony in your home. Place a bagua mirror on the outside of your house, facing your neighbor's house to negate the negative flow of the energy. A storage building or detached garage can also create poison arrows aimed at your house.

Dead-End Roads and Cul-de-Sacs

If your home is at the end of a road or an intersection where the road stops at your house, then all of the rushing energy slams into your house. This creates harmful chi but you can remedy it by hanging a bagua mirror and by creating a natural barrier with bermed earth, a fence, plants and even a tree or two. It helps to think of the flowing chi as though it were running water to visualize how it comes rushing down the street that dumps right into your home.

Telephone Poles or Trees

A telephone pole or tree that's situated directly in front of the main entrance into your home creates a poison arrow. This could be right at the street or sidewalk area. The telephone pole creates a sharp angle or a direct blockage in front of your home. A bagua mirror remedies this kind of poison arrow. The goal is to reflect the obstacle away from your home.

Other Things That Create Negative Chi

Quite a few other things can create negative chi that are often overlooked. Each has a remedy or cure or at the very least, a way you can lessen the effect and attract more auspicious energy, sheng chi. The best way to assess possible negative chi elements is to stand outside your home and objectively look at what surrounds your home.

Negative chi elements include:

  • Bridges overhead or beside home
  • Cemeteries across the street or visible from your home
  • Dilapidated or abandoned buildings nearby
  • Power or telephone lines crisscrossing through your property
  • Rivers run directly toward your front door or back door
  • Surrounded by tall buildings

Remedies and Cures for Sha Chi

Most of the remedies for sha chi negate the effect. You can also introduce other elements that will interfere with or neutralize overwhelming negative elements. For example, if you have too much water flowing towards your home, try using the fire element to weaken it such as with a fire pit and grilling area. Take time to carefully consider what might be creating the negative chi and find a good solution to remedy it.

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Important Sha Chi Causes and Cures