C Is for Cookie Monster Baby Shower Ideas Moms-to-Be Will Love

The treats at this Cookie Monster baby shower might be sweeter than the bun in the oven.

Published May 31, 2023

"C" is for cute! "C" is also for cookie at this adorable Cookie Monster baby shower. Nostalgia, sweetness, and precious moments come together in this celebration for a Cookie Monster party that's as memorable as the character himself. If you need cute Cookie Monster baby shower ideas, look no further than these phe-nom-nom-nom-inal suggestions.

Start With Shades of Blue


It's Cookie Monster's signature color, and this shade of blue is pretty specific. Include the cookie-connoisseur's vibrant blue, officially known as medium Persian blue, in your decorations. Don't feel too boxed in though, a monochromatic party color scheme is perfect for this Cookie Monster baby shower theme. Combine various shades of blue in your table settings, balloon displays, and adorable baby shower decorations.

Make Your Own Cookie Balloons


It wouldn't be a Cookie Monster baby shower without tons of cookies in the decor. You can make your own chocolate chip cookie balloons with brown balloons and a black marker. Look for a light shade of brown for the balloons or use gold if it's easier to find. Add chocolate chips to the cookie balloon with your black marker and display them in bunches alongside blue balloons for the full Cookie Monster effect.

DIY Cookie Monster Cups


This baby shower decor hack takes very little time and produces the cutest decorative detail. Add large googly eyes - think back to your elementary school art project days - to bright blue plastic cups to create a likeness of the beloved Sesame Street character.

Try Some Fur-Tastic Texture


You see tons of Cookie Monster's signature blue color on his soft and silly fur. Give a subtle nod to the classic character's coat with some blue texture decorations. Paper lanterns (here's another chance to break out the googly eyes), shiny blue streamers, and even a bit of faux blue fur or feathers bring texture to your decor and reinforce the theme of the celebration.

Serve Cookie Monster Mocktails


It's not a baby shower without colorful punch. Upgrade the traditional party beverage and serve fun mocktails instead. These flavor-packed mocktails are as tasty as a batch of cookies and as blue as the Cookie Monster himself.

Make a Cookies & Milk Bar


It's the Cookie Monster's favorite snack, and a classic pregnancy craving. Cookies and milk are a must for your Cookie Monster baby shower, and a classy cookies and milk bar is the best way to serve the treat. Delicate platters of scrumptious cookies and carafes full of milk options will have your guests lining up to get their "om, nom, nom, nom" on.

Create Hilarious Cookie Monster Cupcakes


This simple dessert DIY will have all your party guests giggling as they munch. You can make your own cupcakes with blue frosting or pick some up from a bakery. Once you have cupcakes on hand, you're ready to create the easiest Cookie Monster cupcakes ever. Simply slice a small chocolate chip cookie in half and insert it into the front of the frosting. Top the cupcake with candy eyes, and suddenly you're looking at Cookie Monster devouring his favorite treat on top of a cupcake.

Make Monster Cookies


What do you get when you turn Cookie Monster around? Monster cookies, of course! These decadent cookies are perfect for your Cookie Monster baby shower and will have your guests lingering at the dessert table for as many munchies as they can manage. If you really want to test your baking skills, include a platter of Cookie Monster macarons as well.

Treat Guests to a Milk & Cookies Cake


Milk and cookie cakes have been trendy for a few years now because they combine two of the most delicious desserts - cookies and cake, of course - into one seriously sweet treat. Celebrate that new bouncing baby with a cake that honors Cookie Monster and his beloved snack of choice.

Swap Traditional Cake for a Giant Cookie


Remember the cookie cakes of your childhood? If ever there was an occasion to bring those back, it's a Cookie Monster baby shower. Celebrate mom and baby with a few slices of giant cookie cake, decorated with baby Cookie Monster of course, in place of a traditional sheet cake.

Play the Cookie Guessing Game


The unspoken rule of baby showers: there must be at least one cheesy game on the agenda. This is that game! As guests are arriving and dropping gifts on the table, have them make their official guess of how many cookies are in the jar. Display a jar of cookies - the size is totally up to you, but smaller cookies make a more challenging game - and have guests make their best guess at how many treats are actually inside. The winner gets to take the whole jar home!

Name That Cookie


Well, two cheesy baby shower games couldn't hurt. This brain-teasing game is actually tons of fun! Give guests game cards with ten or so questions. The object of the game is to guess the type or flavor of cookie displayed through clever combinations of emojis or pictures. For example, a picture of a thumb and a printer would translate to thumbprint cookies.

Make Sense of Milk & Cookies


Okay, you really can't have too many cheesy games at a baby shower and this one is really worth a go. Guests receive cards or printouts with the words "milk and cookies" printed above blank lines. Their aim is to see how many baby names or words they can create using only the letters from that phrase. You'll have so much fun laughing at everyone's answers, and you might just help name the baby. How does Mike Loo sound?

“C” You at the Party


As if celebrating a new addition to the family isn't exciting enough, you're adding cookies to the mix! These cute Cookie Monster baby shower tips will help celebrate the bundle of joy all while curing the pregnancy cravings and paying homage to beloved a childhood friend.

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C Is for Cookie Monster Baby Shower Ideas Moms-to-Be Will Love